On Monday 5/25/2020 on behalf of Phoenix Divorce Attorneys writes:For many people in Phoenix, Joint custody arrangements can be exhausting, tiresome, and stressful. This becomes a lot more difficult if you have a contentious relationship with your ex-partner. Parents in Arizona who are going through a divorce might worry about how it will impact their children. Co-parenting takes a lot of effort but even more co-operation on the part of parents who are co-parenting.
Making shared decisions, such as interacting with each another at drop-offs, or just being civil when speaking to a person you’d rather forget all about can seem like impossible ask. However, for the sake of your children, it is important to overcome. Thus, it is possible to get past these co-parenting challenges and develop a cordial working relationship with your ex. Maintaining a functional co-parenting relationship is possible, but it requires the parties to try to work together. Co-parenting is what is best for your children.
Plan For the HolidaysBirthdays and holidays can be tough for children. Therefore, instead of having your kids go to two different events, (one for each parent), there is a better way. A simpler solution would be considering simply having one event where both parents are there together. This solution is one that prepares parents to be together at events that will only happen once, such as funerals or weddings. Although, some parents are not yet ready for this level of togetherness.
Another idea is for these parents to try to support the child’s relationship with the other parent. This includes listening when the child has issues with the other parent. Plus, helping the child (or children) with the relationship in the same way the parent would with another family member. Additionally, children must never be made to feel as though they have to choose between their parents. Though this often happens, it is important not to put your kids in this no win position.
Also, children need reassurance that both their parents love them and that they are not the reason for the divorce. Another thing that can easily happen. Keep in mind, one reason parents may have divorced in the first place is because they agree on very little. However, it can help children adjust if their parents can agree to the same set of rules in both households.
Cooperation Is KeyWorking together can begin during the divorce process. Cooperation is the key. Co-parenting hinges on co-operating with that same person that you recently disagreed with so much that you divorced. Plus, because of the best interest of the kids, parents may be able to reach an agreement about child custody and child support without having to go to court. However, parents can also build a healthy co-parenting relationship after litigation by following the agreed upon parenting plan. In the parenting plan, they address any concerns they have about such details as when the child will meet a parent’s new partner or which parent is responsible for taking the child to certain extracurricular activities. Alas, following the parenting plan is one of the easiest ways to co-parenting in Arizona.Additional Co-Parenting InformationIf you are a divorced parent in Arizona who is trying to co-parent, contact our office for additional information. Give our Phoenix Divorce Attorneys a call at (602) 509-0955. Our attorneys deal with divorce and co-parenting instances of all sorts in Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima Counties in Arizona.
Our Phoenix, Arizona family law attorneys have helped countless individuals throughout the state of Arizona find success in their Arizona divorce, child support, child custody, and other family law matters. In other words, don’t delay in getting the help you need, speak with an Phoenix Divorce Attorney today.